U2 Challenge Decisions

U2 Day 10-12 Binary Code Lesson


I will be doing Days 15-16: Sorting

challenge-unit2_days15-16.docx (28.1 KB)

I will be doing Day 7-9 Cornrow Braiding

Unit 2 Challenge - Cornrow Braiding

I did the tower building activity in class, but one class period I forgot my blocks, and had to come up with a substitute lesson. I used an activity called 20 Questions, and the kids enjoyed this one a lot. It was written by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary, University of London for
Teaching London Computing: http://teachinglondoncomputing.org

Unit 2 Minimal Spanning Tree

Lesson Plan

Possible Extension Resources

[Sound and Picture Data Representation][1]

This is the link to my lesson.

I also completed the day 15-16 Sorting Algorithm lesson. However, I used a lesson plan entitled fun with sorting. It went well.funwithsorting.pdf (179.4 KB)

Unit 2 – Day 10-12 - This is a good lesson! I learned much on how to deliver the binary curriculum. Upload did not work. Error message. “Sorry, new users can not upload attachments.”
Here is the content for this assignment.

Provide a general overview the lesson. Include teaching tips here, if any.

In this lesson, I will Introduce binary number system and how to count in binary. This is a basic understanding of how computer talk to each others and how they interact with themselves. Students will learn how to convert between binary and decimal numbers.

Teaching tip:
Trust the curriculum
Group work

Lesson Summary
Step 1:Journal Entry-- How high can you count with your ten fingers?

Step 2: Students share journals with peers.

Step 3: CS Unplugged Activity 1: Count the Dots—Binary Numbers (counting in binary)

Step 4: Discussion of why binary numbers are important in computer science

Step 5: Binary Number Game: Birthday Activity

CS Content
Students will learn to understand the importance of binary numbers in computer science. Students will learn to solve problems using the steps to problem solving.

Students will be able to:
Count forward and backward in binary
Explain why binary numbers are important in computer science
Use binary digits to encode and decode messages

Materials and Prep
Materials and Prep
Cards with binary numbering
Binary worksheet

Student Documents
Counting Binary Chart
Counting the Dots—Binary Numbers
Sending Secret Message Chart

Code Studio


Daily journaling

Sending Secret Message Chart


Challenge-2.docx (27.6 KB)

Challenge 2.docx (9.2 KB)

I chose day 13-14, buy having the students build a small tower as fast as possible.

For day 15-16, my biggest challenge with this lesson was making sure the -
students understood the difference between each sort and why it was
important. I also had trouble keeping the students focused especially
with candy and the playing cards. As an assessment, I observed the
students as they were performing the different sorting activities
individually and in groups.


Unit 2 day 15-16

Additional Resources:

Quick Sort

Unit 2 Day 15-16

Binary Lesson
enter link description here
enter link description here

Contains power point and guided notes

I created a lesson using dice to have the students practice converting decimal to binary.

Unit 2 day 10-12
In addition to the lesson in ECS v5 I also had a secret message contest. In teams of four, students came up with a secret message and then coded it in binary. Then they exchanged binary messages. The first team to decode the other team’s message went on to the next round. We did this tournament style.

Unit 2 handshakes and fence posts

[1]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1losaFWg-xz4pFY-gWI18f5AKN29DWUG9CGydTSv3WrQ/edit#Unit 2 Handshakes and Fence posts.pdf (107.6 KB)

My students learned binary and how Unicode works. We also examined RGB to connect binary to images.

I would like to work on Unit 2 Day 4-6.
U2 challenged uploaded.Unit 2 Challenge_Hamilton2016-Aug.docx (15.2 KB)

Extension activity for Unit 2 Day 4-6 attached.Unit 2 Challenge_Hamilton2016-Aug.docx (213.5 KB)

I plan to work on the Unit 2 Day 10-12 Binary Numbers.