U4 Day 14-16: Lesson Resources
I planned to use Excel to create bar graphs but my students all did this in their AP stats class last week so we jsut reviewed bar graphs.
I planned to use bar graphs and statistical data provided by the school district that show trends in students enrollment in AP classes. Students need to provide conclusions after analyzing the charts provided.
Unit 5 Data Analisys - Costanza.pdf (274.8 KB)
Here is the lesson that Joel Morgan & I collaborated on . . .
Unit5ChallengeLesson–CindyWilkinsJoelMorgan.docx (25.8 KB) Interpreting Bar Chart Data.docx (146.2 KB) Interpreting Bar Chart Data Key.docx (143.9 KB)
Unit 5: Days 14-16 Lesson–done with Cindy WilkinsUnit5ChallengeLesson–CindyWilkinsJoelMorgan.docx (25.8 KB) Interpreting Bar Chart Data.docx (146.2 KB) Interpreting Bar Chart Data Key.docx (143.9 KB)
Sample spreadsheet file I will have students do to work with creating a chart from the data
I got this exercise from the Excel It! 2nd Edition activity book from B.E. Publishing
I posted my plan under the Day 14-16 Discussion forum
We used student pics in the NCAA tournament to chart students picks and to create percentages on a pie chart of overall student picks for winning the basketball tournament.
I also have used the “Locating Information” released questions for the ACT WorkKeys test to give them extra practice with analyzing and interpreting data. This also gives them practice with preparing for the WorkKeys test that a lot of them will take when they are seniors.
Here is a link to some released questions I found online that could be used… http://casstech.schools.detroitk12.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Workeys-Math-Locating-Information-practice-test-with-answers.pdf