Unit 3 Lesson 7

More than half of my students were having trouble with Unit 3 Lesson 7 Bubble 12 yesterday. Most of them could not get the draw loop to work. I even put my exact working code from my example into their bubble and it still isn’t working. Has anyone else experienced this problem?


Sorry for the struggles - can you share any of the students non-working code? Would like to get the communities eyes on it to see possible issues before referencing you to submit a bug report. Thanks!


Hi Brad,

The thing is that even when I enter in the code from my account into theirs it isn’t working. So, doesn’t appear to be anything with a specific code. It just isn’t working on many of their accounts.

Hi Lacey,

It will still be helpful if you post the share link to the code for a couple different students. You just have to copy and paste the URL that pops up when you hit the “Share” button. Otherwise, there’s not much we can do to help.
