Unit 4 Lesson 13 Circle 13

When my class is sharing their URL’s the importing is working fine, for the most part.

However, a couple student’s project can’t be imported. It’s not that there is an error code. The preview shows, they check the box(s). When they click the “Import Screen” button nothing happens. No error code, no import, it just stays there ready to be clicked, but when clicked again…it does nothing.

Trouble Shooting: I’ve had them refresh the page, restart the computer, check all the element names…

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Hi @karen_black,

I tried replicating this error but I couldn’t. I’d recommend having the students read through the documentation for importing screens, and then double-checking that they typed everything correctly. If that doesn’t help, send an email to support@code.org with their account info in case it’s something on the back end.

Best of luck,
–Michael K.