Very low academic level modifications

This is the first time in 5 years that I have several students (6th grade) who aren’t capable of keeping pace with Unit 2. I am looking for modified versions, resources, etc. I gave one student a typed copy of an html page and had her type it for her Lesson 4 mini-project. At this point they need an adult to sit beside them in order to get any of the levels finished (and this is with me modeling along the way for the whole class).


I have been in your position before. I do find that students who have difficulty with Unit 2 may not struggle as much with Unit 3. I do think that is the power of using the coding blocks and removing or limiting the cognitive load of typing code (or markup) and the detail required in the syntax.

Anyway, I am not sure it will help but here is the document I start with when kids struggle in Unit 2. I color coded what they type exactly vs what they add on their own. The document has a few basic pages of html structure centered around a web page portfolio. It is pretty basic. Not sure if it is what you are looking for but perhaps it will give you ideas or a place to start.

I hope it helps. And hopefully others will also reply with other tools.


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