Is it possible to view the remix history of student projects? I suspect a student of academic dishonesty.
Is it possible to view the remix history of student projects? I suspect a student of academic dishonesty.
I would suggest you post this question to I don’t think it is possible but they could add this request in the future.
Thank you. I will do that.
Has this been resolved?
At the current time it is not possible to view the remix history. The word Remix: appears in the title of the app, but the student is able to remove it. I’ve sent it on to Hopefully they will add something in the future.
It is now Jan '22 - has there been any progress with this?
I have a student who remixed a lesson: I had checked her code in the lesson and then went over the answers together. She was working during this time, but I assumed she was finishing the homework.
Later I looked and it was still incomplete: I asked her where her work was, and she said she showed me she had remixed it as a project. (we had started with partners).
Now there is no way for me to verify what was done before class.
I don’t see any way that I can check - am I missing something? Has no update been done for?
Sorry, I don’t think there has been any changes to AppLab.
One tool that can help spot cheating is to look at the version history of their apps on App Studio. The web-based tool will autosave very often as they work. The version history will show how they approach a problem, how they go back and fix errors, etc.
When the version history shows that at the start there is no code, and then 1 second later lots of code instantly appears, it indicates the code was pasted from another source. This does not directly imply plagiarism, but it is an indicator. When I have doubts, I simply challenge the students to explain line by line the code they wrote. Usually, the ones who plagiarize are unable to do this.
A few repeat offenders that have been caught due to a combination of the above 2 things try and get fancy and paste 1 line of code at a time, or slowly type it. However, nobody codes a lengthy program from top to bottom in perfect order with no mistakes or going back and making changes. They may make the version history spread out over a lot of auto-saves, but the keyboarding is too perfect.
At some point though, I have to accept that some students will go to great lengths to cheat and find many creative ways of bypassing tools designed to catch this. I find it interesting that some people will spend more time try to get away with cheating rather than just learn the material.