Sounds like it’ll be a great class, @tammy.beckham !
Hello, I’m Jim and I’ll be teaching any and all of to anyone wanting to learn, tho I teach computer science classes as an ESL class.
Teach Technology classes - grades 1-4
Taking over coding from our STEM class
Looking forward to learning along with my students.
Sarah, elementary STEAM teacher in Western NY!
Good evening! My name is Yolanda Gunter and I’m new to this Teaching World of Computer Science Discoveries. I have transitioned from teaching elementary to middle schoolers, 6-8th grade. This current academic school year, I will be teaching coding, which is exciting for me because it’s something new. I am looking forward to learning and experiencing something new.
Chris Beneck
The Design Process for sure, others to follow.
The chance to learn from this great resource and share that learning with my students.
Hola. Soy Mariamor. Enseño en Educación Básica, paneo enseñar las unidades 1 y 2, y me entusiasma ver a mis estudiantes expectantes en aprender las nociones de programación.
- What is your name? Hi! My name is Mary Beth
- What grade levels do you teach? I teach CS to our 6th, 7th and 8th graders
- Which units of CS Discoveries do you plan to teach this year? I am currently using CS Fundamentals with my quarter long 6th grade classes, CS Discoveries Games & Animations with my quarter long 7th grade classes and a new CS4RI semester class (which uses bits and pieces from with my 8th graders.
- What in CS Discoveries are you most excited about? I am having a great deal of fun with Games and Animations.
Hello, my name is Carrie. I teach Iexplore in Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. I have been taking CS Discoveries this fall so I can implement coding into the classroom and tie it into the Career Cluster topics we discuss as well as the choices of pathways for our students to apply for at our Career and Technical Center. I’m most excited to try out the paper prototype app and then follow it up with coding.
I am Lindsey. I am an 8th grade Special Educator. I will teach Unit 3 as part of an after school club, not a classroom setting that meets daily. I am excited to do something entirely different and see student success outside of the core curriculum. I am looking forward to seeing what students are capable of outside of the ELA and math classrooms! I think they will enjoy creating their own games.
Welcome to the forum! Your club set up sounds like a lot of fun!
Good evening! My name is Eleni and I teach 9th grade Algebra 1. I am also teaching a half-credit CSP course, but have been taking pieces of the CSD curriculum and adding them into the course. We are about to start the Interactive Animations and Games unit and I am really excited to have my students engage with the concepts covered and to see what they create. I am also excited to get into physical/hardware programming in the course I am taking to get my CS endorsement, which has us go through the CSD curriculum.
Hello my name is Mike Coggeshall. I currently teach computer science grades 6-8. This is the first year that I will be teaching CS Discoveries. I am excited and hope that my students will enjoy learning the curriculum.
Hi My name is Brendan I teach grades 9-12, currently I am a music teacher working on my CS certification. I am most excited about learning how to code
My name is Natalia Rasavong. I’m a Tech Integration Specialist and I support K-8th. I’m not sure what units I will use but I’m very exited to use all the resources.
Hi!!! Getting started as well!!
Hi, my name is Michael Benjamin and I teach 5th through 8th grade Computer Science and Robotics in Providence, RI. I’m excited to roll out this curriculum with our students. I think that they’ll be very engaged in this material and hopefully it builds up their computer literacy along the way!
Hi, I’m Lisa Williams. I teach at North Elementary STEAM Academy in White Settlement, TX
Rebecca Marx
I teach 1st - 5th grade.
I am unsure still of what CS Discoveries I will teach this year.
I am excited to show my students the struggle I will have teaching this.
Hi, I’m SyIvia Stipich and I’m going to teach high school CS soon. So far I really enjoyed Unit 3 a lot, even though it was the toughest, I plan to teach it next year.