I like the Digital Information Dilemmas project and what it encourages the students to think through.
However, it feels poorly aligned to the rest of the unit. While students apply some of the knowledge they have learned several other aspects of the unit are not demonstrated.
I’m hoping to use Digital Information Dilemmas and ??? as projects. I would like a second project that focuses more on the skills and knowledge practiced through out the unit. Any suggestions or pre-developed projects?
I like your idea. I was thinking of working in some version of design your own QR code, explaining how it works. I’m not thinking through merging the two.
any other ideas? I agree the “project” seems not enough. They basically do the same as they did in the lesson right before it just with a different article
Used a project inspired by @blwalker3. Students really liked it, and final questions helped expose depth of understanding on binary, copyright and other topics. It was fun seeing what students choose 32x32 vs 16x16 even though no grade incentive. I revised the final questions, and rubric. I’m working to make my class more standards based (as I learn what that means).
Students and I are working together to make a collage of all images (with attributions and copyrights). We are going to get it printed poster size and hang up in common space. We’ve had good conversations around who owns the copyright for student work.
I like it, but your rubric requires a 32x32 pixel image at 18 bits per pixel to receive all possible grading points. That equals 18,432 one’s and zero’s for students to type into a crude tool. To me that is too time consuming for very little gain. I would rather them use alternative drawing tools where they can draw with a stylus and have it generate the bits and bytes automatically. This is the only way I would tackle a job like this if I have any say so in the creation process.
I definitely like the idea though. Lesson 12-13 seems like a repeat of lesson 11 (Fortnite assignment) with the additional step of adding a Poster.
Hear the critique and valid. Usually students rock with copy and paste and get very into the assignment. Historically they site this as a favorite assignment. Curious how students respond for others.