Mistake in Grading Rubric?

On the AP Style rubric for response 2A - it states “The response identifies the purpose of the program” but under the Description Rules it says “The response earns the point if it explains the function of the program instead of identifying the purpose.” Not sure if it is because it was modified from the actual rubric which includes the video AND the audio narration?

yeah…it was hard figuring out exactly what this meant when we reviewed it. The actual scoring criteria is that “the response identifies the purpose of the program.” So that’s what we want students to aim for. The decision rules give this exception that the response can earn the point if they describe the function instead of the purpose.

Our take on this is that for some programs its function might be so tightly coupled to its purpose that they’re trying to cut some slack to students who start out describing a purpose but slip into describing its function. For example think about something like Uber (an app that it’s safe to say no CSP student is going to make for the Create PT)… “The purpose is to request a ride on your phone by using GPS to know your location so a driver can come pick you up.”

Seems like a plausible student response that melds the purpose and function together.

It’s all kind of gray territory. Hope that’s helpful.


The U3L10 Practice PT - Design a digital scene - AP Rubric (updated) is different than the U3L10 Practice PT - Student Written Response Template.
Is there a reason for this?

These two documents mimic what students will see from the college board on the Create Performance Task.

The template for student responses are essentially blank boxes underneath the writing prompts – students can enter their responses there.

There scoring guidelines (rubric) show how those responses will be scored.

Worth noting that the number of written responses does not map 1:1 with the rows in the scoring guidelines - not sure if this is what makes them look different. But hopefully that clears up the confusion?

CSP Team

Baker, thanks for the response.
Okay, I figured it out. I was confused that it wasn’t mapped 1:1. I see now how each response maps to more than 1 row of the rubric. Thanks for the support!!

My students are I find this terribly confusing as well. Baker seems to give a good response, but I wish the college board would clarify. In the 2019 AP scoring guidelines, the scoring guidelines column seems to directly contradict the information int the decision rules column.