Podcasts related to CSP

Hey @baker and @brook

Now that you two are award winning podcast providers, I hope you can click on this new fivethirtyeight podcast post related to our curriculum.

It tries to answer the question: ““Who’s accountable when an algorithm makes a bad decision?””

So many aspects of this podcast post are 'sprinkled" throughout our curriculum.



I am in LOVE with podcasts these days! I have wanted to use them in my classroom for a while! @jkeays have you actually used this in your classroom? If so, can you describe what kind of supports you gave students or how you structured this conversation?

There are lots of good ones out there about the impact of technology - I will have to add this to my list!

Like you, I’m a fan as well but with cool resources like this, I send it to all of my students via email or I post it on my blog for them to view on their own time if they are interested.

I can then reference it in class with a “30 second commercial” tempting them to check it out.

There is just not enough time to squeeze in every amazing resource.

Just an idea for you…play 1-2 minutes of the podcast as a “teaser” and then send them the link if they want more.
