Teaching conditionals

I really feel that the example using cards is a great idea. Incorporating a hands on lesson that allows the students to see the real outcomes makes it easier for them to apply it later on when they are coding.

I teach first grade. I think I would need to role model and use many examples for students to understand the use of the word conditionals and transferring that to the programming of the computer algorithym. making an anchor chart and putting it up in the room so that everyone can reference it and use the words as a sentence frame.
If () is true,
then () will happen
Using real life application would also help them understand and transfer easier in making the conditonals for their work. Extra free time, lunch with teacher, recess, free choice IF () are all areas that they would make a connection with.

I will teach conditions with my students by exploring positive and negative consequences to following or not following the rules

I have never taught conditionals, but I like the simple games with cards and giving real life examples. I think repetition would be very helpful, especially with younger students

We do a lot of if, then statements as part of teaching cause and effect, and I feel like the else part is easily part of that chain. I think my students would really enjoy the game with playing cards because it makes this concept so much more tangible and fun.

I liked this game to teach fundamentals of conditioning. The students seemed really engaged.

How would you explain the concept of conditionals to your students?

I would explain to my students that conditionals are what happens “If” something is true every time. A second condition would be called “else”. For example, if I draw a 0 you cheer, else you say aww no.

I could totally use the Laura Numeroff series of “If You Give A…” books to teach conditionals!

I enjoy connecting content to real life situations. I might create a worksheet that allows the kids to make “If” “Else” connections in school, sports practices, dance rehearsals or performances, interactions with teachers, parents or grandparents. I think the kids could then experiment with their ideas and come back to discuss how their “If” statements matched up with their “Else” statements.

I think the concept of conditionals can be taught and connected to several units throughout the year in first grade. For instance, if I was teaching my wind and weather unit for science, I could connect the “if/then” conditional. “If it is windy, then my kite will fly”. I could also connect this to our readers workshop unit on cause and effect. “If the character is kind, then they will make more friends.” We can also apply the if/then concept to our daily schedule. “If it is Monday, then we will have Code.org”. I think overall this would not be too tricky to master, but I do like the idea of playing the if/then game to master the concept in a fun way.

I would definitely use the card games and allow them to play a few of my initiated games then allow them to create their own using the playing cards. I would then extend it to a PE lesson where the students create a game and explain the if/else. For that week I would highlight different situations where if / else is used in daily life.

I think introducing conditionals while introducing and reviewing school rules and procedures 1st would be great. When we have our 5 classes out at recess they are to line up quickly in order of our 5 classrooms. We have had issues in the past where it takes 5+ minutes to line up. Our room is always, “If you can’t line up quickly, ‘else’ we will blow the whistle early to line up.” I also think tying it into games for the students to practice the concept of having consequences (else) would be incredibly helpful.

Hoy estoy tratando de entender las condicionales y me sucedió que mi hija de 7 años se interesó por los ejercicios prácticos, le costó igual que a mi hacer algunas secuencias, pero entiendo que si pones empeño, lo lograrás.
Para enseñarlas, sólo se me viene a la memoria las fórmulas de excel.

I teach a multi-age classroom of 4/5/6 graders. They love hearing out my dog, so I might first introduce conditionals with a video of me reinforcing a command with my dog. Then I would describe how my dog needs to follow the conditionals of the command in order to get a treat. If my dog brings back the toy he will get a treat, else he will not get a treat. I can also tie this into loops by expanding that my dog must get it and drop it for a treat. He sometimes tries to come back to me without the toy and I have to prompt him again.

Then I would go to the suggested card game activity.

I think I would first have to do a lesson on cause and effect. Maybe read a book like If you give a Mouse a Cookie to help them understand that something is going to happen. Then I would move on to real life examples. What do you do if it is raining vs if it is not. Kids like to make excuses and so I think, just like in the video, they would try to add in a bunch of compromises.

para esta practica creo que es fundamental tener la calma para exponerlo, es un concepto mas avanzado yu cuesta en algunos casos que los alumnos lo asimilen, insisto con lo cotidiano.

¿Cómo explicarías el concepto de condicionales a sus alumnos?
La mejor manera de explicar este concepto es llevarlo a la vida cotidiana.
Comenzaría por preguntar si alguien conoce lo que significa la palabra “condición”.
Una vez escuchadas sus respuestas, les mostraría el siguiente ejemplo:
La abuelita de Catalina le regaló un juego de video que tanto deseaba. Al entregárselo le dijo:
“Podrás jugar con él solo si terminas las tareas de hoy”
Con este ejemplo podemos destacar que para que se cumpla una acción, primero debe ocurrir una antes que ésta.

"Si terminas la tarea, entonces puedes jugar; osea,la condición está en:
realizar la tarea (primera acción) - para poder jugar (segunda acción).
Lo mismo sucederá cuando comience el juego: si pasas el primer nivel, entonces podrás avanzar al segundo.
Una vez comprendidos estos ejemplos, pasaría a realizar los juegos de cartas u otros de manera concreta.

Primero me gustaría en la primera clase contextualizar el concepto de condicionales para que entiendan como las usan en la vida diaria. Luego usaría las cartas para hacer una dinámica similar a la planteada en el video. Posteriormente, al llegar a los juegos, generar una reflexión sobre todas las condicionales que ya usa y luego que las transcriban en una hoja y las compartan con el curso.

Creo que para explicar las condicionales, es muy importante para partir es dando ejemplos de la vida cotidiana y con ejemplos de su vida.
Luego desde esa forma los voy acercando a una explicación más técnica, donde ellos mismos sean capaces de asociar y fusionar ambas ideas

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Una manera de explicar el concepto de condiciones es usando ejemplos de la vida.
Condicional o condicionales es la posibilidad de que algo ocurra si se hace una acción previa.
Por ejemplo.
Podrás jugar en el jardín, solo si terminas la habitación

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