U4 Challenge Decision

Day 4: Scratch - Develop a dialogue between two-three sprites
Day 5-6: Scratch - Moving Sprites

After working on the scratch name project myself, I think my students will have fun doing this. However I have found that many of my students have already used Scratch. Have to figure out an option for those students!

I plan to do the Scratch ā€˜Knock, Knockā€™ lesson.

Scratch Name Project.

I am still having trouble knowing where to post my Challenge document.


Hi Nick,

Its fine to post it here but you should also post it to the Lesson Resources forum for the day of the lesson you decided to work on. It looks like you worked on Day 4? Then would pst it on U4 Day 4: Lesson Resources.


I am going to use the Name lesson from days 2-3

I am going to work on days 7&8- Event driven Programming (specifically the alphabet learning).

The Lesson I am working toward for my Challenge lesson is the Final Project days 25-30. Many of my students are eager to see different languages and how they work or what the real syntax might be like. With that being said I am going to add a couple of days where I show my students how to port a file from the sb extensions to a java executable. The goal here will be to have the students identify which syntax could correspond with their blocks.

U4 Challenge~1PageLessonOverview.docx (26.9 KB) scratch_underwater_scene.docx (90.4 KB)

Unit 4: Lesson Days #4, 5-6: Creating a Dialogue between Sprites and Moving Sprites

U4 Day 5-6: Moving Sprites

Days 10 -13: Broadcast a Story

Days10-13_Broadcast a Story.docx (22.1 KB)

Short story Ideas.docx (15.7 KB)

Story Rubric.pdf (36.4 KB)

Will be working on Day 9: Scratch - Broadcast Roleplay

I have decided to work on Day 2-3: Scratch - Name Project.

I will chose ā€œmoving spritesā€ as my challenge topic.

I will be doing Day 4 Knock Knock Joke since I am new to Scratch.

Lesson 4: Knock Knock Joke

The objective is to develop a dialogue between two or more Scratch sprites and explain the reasoning behind how their dialogue works.

Lesson Summary
Gallery Walk of name projects from yesterday (10 min).
Introduce and discuss dialogue assignment (10 Min)
Develop a dialog (30 min)
Presentations (10 min)

Teaching Strategies

Give samples of dialogue.
Role play with students
Walk around the room and assist where needed.

CS Content
Lesson teaches students to create dialogue between sprites using Scratch programming.

Students will be able to:
Develop dialogue between sprites
Explain the reasoning how it works
Student Documents
Dialogue Sample Rubric

Code Studio




enter link description here

Great start for a lesson! Can you think of some ways this lesson connects to lessons? What is the the connection to CS?


I have completed this challenge with @rvordahl

Unit 4 Challenge.pdf (136.2 KB)