Updates within code.org


I appreciate and love all the updates code.org continues to do year after year. However, would it be possible to leave a little icon next to only those lessons that have been changed from last year? I would really like to make sure I don’t miss the updates, but also do not want to sift through each lesson (since I have them done already in my folder) in order to make sure I don’t miss anything. That would be really helpful! Example of what I’m thinking is below.

Thank you for your time!


Hey Joe,

That’s a great suggestion. You might want to forward this directly to support.code.org and see if they have considered something like you mentioned. I’m sure you’ve probably seen this document, but maybe it will help in the meantime?


Hi Wendy,

No, I have not seen that document. That does help! I’ll see if I can find the one for Comp Sci Principles.

Thank you!

Hey Joe,

Here’s the link to the CSP document and another link to a recording that might help!

Happy to help!

Here’s one more link! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much. Exactly what I needed!

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