CS Discoveries 5-day Summer Workshop Sharing!

I have learned quite a lot. Especially on how to do lessons. Everybody in my class have been very helpful and informative.

At the 5-day CS Discoveries workshop and I am highly encouraged that it is ok to be a lead learner and not try to bluster through when I am not certain about a subject. The students and I can both learn together.

It is a fun workshop.

I learned about this teacher forum and it’s awesome power during the workshop! Yayy! I love how helpful the community is! :grin:

I am currently on day 3 of the 5 day workshop and am extremely excited about implementing the curriculum with my students.

it’s Hump Day Everyone!!

I have learned so much. One thing I really enjoyed was the tags and seeing and learning what they mean and how to debug if something went wrong. It’s awesome and I am very excited about it.

I have learned so much so far and things are starting to come together!

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:star_struck:Lead Learner! Student Practices! Problem Solving Process! HTML, CSS, and more! :star_struck:

I came into the CS Discoveries 5-day summer workshop completely clueless about coding. I have learned so much! I have learned how to navigate code.org and how to use it in my classroom. I am excited to be a “lead learner” this coming fall.

I finally know how to use CSS!! :vulcan_salute:

This was a great opportunity to learn from others who have much more experience in teaching computer science. The presenters were great and I learned so much from my peers as well!

Didn’t even know abut the forums. Also like pair programming. And I finally understand CSS. :grinning:

How amazing the editor tool is- I cannot wait to show this to my kiddos!

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I learned so much that my brains hurt!

I learned about the Teacher Forum.

Today we learned the difference between HTML and CSS.

I learned a lot this week and I can apply.

I really enjoyed learning about the paid programming method. I think this method can apply to any content area.

I learned a lot about pair programming. It is so COOL.