U1 Day 5-7: PD Discussion Topic

I like the videos provided as they will act as a primer. The video “What is web 2.0?” could be used either before or after the initial journal entry to prime a discussion regarding the student’s use of the web and how it has evolved. The 2nd video could be used in conjunction with the MLK site so the students can critique websites and how information is being provided via filters.

The filter bubble is an interesting topic for the students to realize how it really works and what the future’s responsibility changing society. I would agree that this would be a very lively discussion of how we are progressing.

I like the videos in the resources. I believe I will find some interesting videos for the students to watch.

I will be using filter Bubble. I will also have the students complete searches using different browsers and record the results.

To keep students engaged, I’ll stop the talk so we can discuss small segments. Students will be allowed to share their feelings about the small segments. I will allow them to use their personal devices to actually use Google to search a common topic and share their results. They can also compare their personal results on their devices to the results they receive on the school’s computers. This should spark an interesting conversation if differences are viewed.

Probably start with the web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 video; have a compare/contrast discussion; jump to scavenger hunt–evaluate at least 5 of the websites used; view bubbles video; create wordles to see how students processed the information

I plan on having my students create their own scavenger hunts relevant to their interests and then have another student do the scavenger hunt as a way to learn about each others interests. I will also be using the web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 video and then have them determine which version the websites that they visit the most falls into. I would also like to do an activity where they discuss changes that can be made to a web 1.0 site to make it a web 2.0 site, and the same for 2.0 to become a 3.0.

Web 2.0 is dated, but still totally relevant. The video was a good one. I may have the students come up with their own wikipedia page for themselves or display the google search results and see how they differ. Keep them engage and not just viewing videos.

I am planning on having the students crate a discussion/ debate about the Filter Bubble and how it limits/ benefits them in their daily life.
I will be showing a clip from the film Minority Report, the scene where the lead is walking through a mall with a new set of eyes and all the advertisements he comes in contact with are customized for that set of eyes.

My plan is show the students a variety of websites that are commonly used and go through the history of naming conventions so that they begin to get an understanding of how .gov, .edu, .com, .net are governed. Once they have that understanding we create our own rubric for testing sites validity.

I want to see what students know before this lesson about these topics. That way I can try to differentiate. I love the ideas I am seeing here from my colleag: particularly asking students to evaluate different websites, considering the repercussions of these issues, extending the identification of further websites as we move forward.

I will use the video link after I have the students compare searches to see if there are any differences in their filter bubble.

I will use the video link and have students discuss the idea of filter bubble. I will also have them google the same topic to get a better understanding of how the filter bubble works. Then have them do the internet scavenger hunt with questions instead of words.

I plan to utilize every piece of technology possible to conduct this unit. I have PCs in my lab. students have cell phones and Ipads.

I plan on using personal examples and news stories to aid with engagement. I also plan on eliciting feedback from students throughout the lesson.

The videos are helpful to explain the concept to students, so I will have students reflect in their journal. I plan to pair students to complete the scavenger hunt.

I will use the scavenger hunt but include items that my students use and/or interact with on a daily basis. I will also personalize things so the various groups can own the assignment and personalize it to keep their interest.

I loved Eli Pariser’s ted talk on filter bubbles!!

I believe this is important information for today’s students to become engaged in.

Open with asking students to reflect on what they already know about information filters on the internet using examples if they can, writing in a journal.

Sharing in pairs, then in a table. Have tables share their best example.

Share the video

Transition to a table task of: Take an issue that the class decides they care about and really want to find information on. Have each table research using agreed on research tools,
Share top 3 artifacts found.
compare the results
Reflect on what this means for our society in journals.

Make students understand that web 3.0 is tailored to every individual person like the clothing they ware. I will make them journal this and then use the example given in the videos in this lesson. Have every student search the same topic and see how their results are different.

I would give the students a topic that interests them with an open ended question. Let them find the answers and facilitate by instructing them on proper search methods.